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Sep 3, 2018
We’re not saving the world with advertising – oh wait, maybe we are.
Doing great and award-winning advertising creative is not brain surgery. It’s not rocket science. But it is important. And changes things.

May 26, 2018
I’m a millennial who no longer hates all advertising.
If more advertising came out of a stronger sense of meaning and purpose, more of us disinterested millennials might care a lot more.

Nov 20, 2017
What’s so good about gratitude?
Maybe gratitude is what helps us see that there's enough to go around. We need it to keep working to make the world just and equitable.

Aug 4, 2017
8 ways to make your interns work harder and love you more. Guaranteed.
Hired an intern or two? And now you're wondering what to do with them? Here's advice from an actual intern...full of hard-earned-ish wisdom.
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